Benefits of Pre-Back Surgery Ashburn and Herndon Chiropractic Care and Exercise
Before undergoing back surgery, Ashburn and Herndon back pain sufferers can benefit from pre-back surgery chiropractic care and exercise. Research continues to share the value of non-surgical treatment for back pain relief. Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn is the chiropractic care office in Ashburn and Herndon for both!
Self-care is often recommended as first-line treatment for back pain patients. If that does not work, adding non-drug therapy for acute low back pain – spinal manipulation – and for chronic or subacute back pain – spinal manipulation, intensive interdisciplinary rehab, exercise, acupuncture, massage, yoga, cognitive behavioral therapy - is recommended by medical physician organizations like the American College of Physicians and American Pain Society. (1) Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn specializes in a gentle, evidence-based spinal manipulation treatment called Cox® Technic for relief of back pain that may well assist Ashburn and Herndon back pain sufferers refrain from back surgery and manage their back pain more independently.
Back pain sufferers would like to help themselves as much as possible. Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn realizes this. Exercise is shown beneficial for non-surgical pain relief for patients with spinal stenosis. (2) The right form of exercise is important, so we will discuss what’s right for you! Maybe Pilates would be your “thing”. A study of chronic musculoskeletal pain patients who tried a Pilates-based exercise program discovered that the pain patients better functioned and coped with their pain condition more independently and efficiently. They performed better at work, took pleasure in hobbies more, were inspired to keep exercising, did more to make do with their own pain conditions independently. These, in turn, motivated them to experience a healthier way of life. (3) These benefits resulted without back surgery.
Researchers set up a trial of exercise for back pain patients headed to back surgery. They described the back pain condition to the patients thoroughly. They set up exercise programs for each patient to perform. They discovered that back pain patients who experienced this pre-surgery program of explanation and exercise gained benefit in several ways: The back pain sufferers noticed improvement exercising than being inactive while waiting for surgery. The back pain sufferers’ frame of mind improved as they exercised. They had time to reflect on their treatment and lifestyle options. Even patients who did not report symptom improvement responded well to this program as they thought themselves more confident managing their pain themselves. (4) These are all beneficial outcomes Ashburn and Herndon back pain patients find in their chiropractic care at Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn. Control not cure is a realistic goal when coping with back pain.
CONTACT Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn
Listen to this PODCAST by Dr. Keith Bartley on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson about helping a patient find pain relief with the Cox® Technic System of Spine Pain Management as he wanted to avoid back surgery.
Schedule your Ashburn and Herndon chiropractic appointment today. You will find a personalized chiropractic treatment plan that consists of Cox® Technic and exercise you find physically possible may well deliver the Ashburn and Herndon back pain relief you want without back surgery.