chiropractic offers gentle, safe care for neck pain relief. Neck pain affects civilians and veterans alike. It’s fantastic to see that today not only civilians with neck pain in Ashburn and Herndon but also those in the military are obtaining relief with non-surgical chiropractic services via their Veterans Administration hospitals, too.
Now, Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn offers chiropractic care and neck pain relief to Ashburn and Herndon residents frequently. Neck pain doesn’t have to continue to be a pain in the neck. There is aid!
For example, a group of veterans found relief from chiropractic neck pain treatment in just 8.7 visits with a 43% improvement in pain. (1) 67% of the veteran patients met or surpassed the minimum clinically important difference. With our chiropractic care, Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn can meet or exceed the minimum for you, too!
Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn uses the chiropractic neck pain relief treatment called Cox Technic spinal manipulation. Our chiropractic treatment is a gentle stretching without any rapid movements. Our Ashburn and Herndon neck pain patients tell us all the time that they appreciate our gentle, quiet approach … and the neck pain relief they get!
Even for patients with arm pain and neck pain due to a cervical disc herniation, Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn’s chiropractic Cox Technic is documented as decreasing the pain in as few as 10 treatments in 4 weeks. The patient is pain-free and fully functional after his chiropractic care at 8 months. (2) Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn's chiropractic relief may be quicker than you think!
chiropractic treatment of neck pain is relieving in a fairly quick time period. chiropractic non-surgical care also leaves your cervical spine intact and you with tools to control its pain.
Read these articles, then contact your chiropractor at Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn to set a treatment plan for your chiropractic pain relief.