Chiropractic exercise recommendations complement your in-office treatment. As a team, you and Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn have your pain relief and control as our mutual goal. The sooner you feel relief, the better. The more you exercise, the stronger you'll be.
Neck Exercises
- Hand Resistance - pdf
- Exercise Tubing Unit - pdf
Low Back Exercises
- Floor Exercises - pdf
- Stability Ball Exercises - pdf
Specific Exercises that Benefit the Low Back
- Pelvic Tilt for Abdominal Tightening
- Hamstring Stretch
- Pelvic Lift
- Knee Chest
- Abdominal Strengthening
- Buttock Muscle Strengthening
- Low Back Strengthening
- Outer Thigh and Hip Stretch
- Inner Thigh Stretch
- "Exercise Before Getting Out of Bed"
- Relaxation and Stretch on the ball
- Abdominal Strengthening on the ball
- Back Strengthening and Stretch on the ball
Proprioception Exercises to Improve Balance
- Proprioception Exercises - no ball- pdf
- Proprioception Exercises with stability ball - pdf
- Tandem Walking
- Stand on one Foot
- Sit/Bounce on the ball
- Hip Twist on the ball
- Sitting/Lifting one Foot on the ball
- Sitting Lifting one Leg on the ball
- The Cross-Crawl on the ball