Tree trunks. Human trunks. Both must be strong. Both support their respective systems. The human system wants a strong, well-functioning trunk to support the spine. Many Ashburn and Herndon lower back pain patients rely on chiropractic care and recommended exercise at Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn to reclaim, strengthen, and uphold a strong trunk and spine. Ashburn and Herndon’s chiropractor at Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn is the pro to trust for all your spine needs!
Now Ashburn and Herndon chiropractic care looks to the backbone of the trunk for information to the source of pain. From that backbone, from the spine, emanate nerves, nerves that send pain signals to the brain as well as pain-free signals to the body. It sends messages to move the body – the arms, the legs, the hands, the feet. The spine is central to the body system, so it deserves to be well-protected by strong muscles and well-cared for when any part of its system hurts. It deserves evidence-based care from the back pain specialist at Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn.
So chiropractic back pain specialists like yours at Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn study every part of the spine, every nerve from the spine, every test that might show how the spine is involved in your pain. Now once your Ashburn and Herndon chiropractic physician is able to examine you, the chiropractic treatment plan can be set. It often combines non-surgical spinal manipulation, nutrition, hot/cold therapy, and exercise among other approaches. All elements of the chiropractic treatment plan aim to strengthen the trunk, strengthen the spine … and be rest assured that we’ll talk, your Ashburn and Herndon chiropractor will listen as you talk and will clearly describe your condition to you. Your Ashburn and Herndon chiropractor knows that your understanding of your condition, your embracing your treatment plan, your doing your exercises and making your office visits will only enhance the opportunity for you to control and even be rid of your back pain.
Be sure to do your home exercises. They support your in-office chiropractic treatments with Cox Technic by strengthening the trunk musculature to hold your spine in place. Home spine exercises keep you involved in your care, give you control over your pain. One type of exercise Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn may well encourage is stability exercise. This strengthens the oblique abdominal muscles, the transverse abdominis muscle and multifidus muscles. Certain forms of stability exercise for these muscles are more appropriate when you are just starting to exercise while others are better performed once you start feeling better. Bridge pose (pelvic tilt type exercise) is a better early-on exercise as it strengthens local muscles. It significantly thickens the transverse abdominis. Side bridge exercise is a better later-on spine exercise as it strengthens muscles more globally as well as locally. (1)
To keep your trunk and spine as strong as tree’s, rely on an individualized, evidence-based treatment plan from Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn. Trust your spine and trunk to your Ashburn and Herndon chiropractic physician by contacting Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn today.