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Nutrition Articles

Ashburn Chiropractic, Osteoporosis, and Calcium

Your Ashburn chiropractic team at Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn is ready to help manage your osteoporosis with a combination of chiropractic spinal manipulation, nutrition and exercise. 

Ashburn Chiropractor favors Black Tea

Simple, easy, everyday approaches to disease prevention like drinking black tea are what Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn gladly shares with our chiropractic patients!

Ashburn Chiropractic Nutrition and Blood Pressure Tips

Talk about your high blood pressure. Commit to reducing it. Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn’s skills don’t end with back pain relief! Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn keeps up on the latest in healthcare findings about blood pressure and other conditions to help you.

Chiropractic Nutrition Tip: K1 and K2 for You!

Hearts and bones benefit from Vitamin K, the lesser known vitamin often recognized for its blood-clotting ability. Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn brings this latest news to its Ashburn chiropractic patients.

Green Tea: Healthy & Tasty!

The Japanese have something that we Ashburn folks can too: green tea! It’s good for us! Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn especially likes that it may slow the breakdown of cartilage as well as reduce inflammation and arthritis as well as boost your metabolism and protect your heart!

GERD Drugs and Osteoporosis: Try Ashburn Chiropractic Nutrition & Food Advice

GERD, what an appealing name for such an appealing disease! It’s bad enough by itself – the acid backwash into your esophagus – then the drugs prescribed may reduce your bone density leading to osteoporosis. So let your Ashburn chiropractor talk with you about how chiropractic and nutrition supports for your GERD.