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February 26, 2013
Nutrition can Help your Memory“What did I come in here for?”
We all experience those occasional lapses of memory. Just check with your Ashburn and Herndon friends. They’ll agree that it can be frustrating! Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn came across some new nutritional research that may help you keep your memory functioning better and be a natural part of your chiropractic treatment plan.


Researchers studied 56 elderly women who reported that they had some memory loss. These women took a multivitamin, mineral, herbal supplement for 16 weeks. The researchers found an improved speed of response in spatial working memory.  Plus homocysteine levels dropped. (Good news! These are inflammation indicators. You don't want inflammation.) Vitamin B6 and B12 and even Vitamin E increased! (1)


A similar study was done with sedentary, older men (50 to 74 years old). They were in an 8 week study taking a multivitamin, mineral, herbal supplement. There were similar findings to the women’s: lower homocysteine levels and higher Vitamin B12 and B6 folate. The improvement in their memory was in the contextual recognition memory performance. (2) Any improvement in memory is a great thing!

So let’s talk at your next Ashburn and Herndon chiropractic appointment. If you or a loved one finds memory to be a challenge (or even a slight frustration), let’s talk about trying a quality multivitamin, mineral, herbal supplement. The quality makes all the difference! Contact Poulin Chiropractic of Herndon and Ashburn today to talk about your Ashburn and Herndon nutritional status!